Sunday, September 25, 2011

There are 178 parent languages on our planet with over 1000 dialects... It's amazing we communicate at all. Eban Ozen

A ShopSmith. Similar to the two I have.
This week there's no real update. It's been a week of more research and attempting to sort through Dad's stuff. It hasn't been easy. 90% of what Dad left me was tools. Tons and tons of tools. Duplicates of most, even the weird specialty tools. For instance I have two "Shop
Smiths". They are really cool wood working tools that are a combination  lathe, drill press, sander, table saw all in one machine. They are really cool but I will never have reason to have two of them.  Plus five to ten of the common tools, wrenches, sockets, screwdrivers. I've got the tools to make tools. Most of these will have sold at a moving sale.

But this post is not about tools or dogs for once. Rather it's about,

"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."

For all my "school marm" friends and  family get ready to have your mind blown. That is a grammatically correct sentence.

I was taking a break from researching K9 reproduction and what not when I stumbled upon this. Let me break this down for you.

You must first keep in mind the word "buffalo" has several meanings. First, the most common use of buffalo is an incorrect moniker for the American bison.

The second use is a proper noun for city in upstate New York. Buffalo NY , mainly known for it's horrible winters and spicy chicken wings.

The third is a synonym for "bully". As in "Don't try to buffalo me!"

That being said think of the sentence using the alternative meanings (The words in red are added for clarity, but not necessary to be grammatically correct.).

New York bison (whom other) New York bison bully (themselves in turn) bully New York bison.

If that's not enough to make an ESOL student throw in the towel, then I don't know what is.

Here's a link to the Wikipedia page with the sentence diagram that started all this.

Just something for your brain to chew on. Have a good week!





  1. Oh I love this Scott!!! The English language, gotta love if I borrow this for a lesson someday? I love you young man! Aunt Peggy

  2. @Aunt Peggy. Sure! Help yourself. Be careful though, it gets stuck in your head. I've been walking around for a week mumbling buffalo,buffalo,buffalo,buffalo,... Lolz

  3. And now I too will be walking around mumbling buffalo, buffalo, buffalo, buffalo... hehe Glad you blogged again!

  4. Are you trying to Buffalo me?
