Monday, August 15, 2011


I am Scott. This is my mid life crisis. 
In the upcoming posts I will relay what happened to bring me to this point and discuss what actions I will take. Be forewarned I am a horrible writer. I misspell words. I use poor grammar. And I tend to leave words out when typing. I think that's because I think way faster than I type and I get ahead of myself.
I am a 45 year old man living in Sarasota Fl. I have a wife and 2 wonderful kids (I have 3 children but 1 of them is an real asshole). Haha I've been telling that joke for 10 years and at one time or another all 3 have admitted to being the asshole. I just tell them they're right.
I am running a 7 person 4 generational household. It's me and my wife, Lisa, my 70 year old mother, my 25 year old son, Anthony, my 22 year old daughter Danielle, her boyfriend and baby daddy Chris. And then there's Kaylynn (GoGo) my 19 month granddaughter. My third kid 21 year old Robert lives in Maine.
These are the principle players for now. Others will be added as the story dictates.
I'll get into the story in the next post.

1 comment:

  1. oh i am going to love this!

    be sure to speak kindly of your elderly aunt peggy!

    i love you!
